We are a non-regulatory special purpose district governed by a volunteer board that oversees a small staff.
Our Board
A Conservation District is governed by a Board of five Supervisors, three of whom are elected and two of whom are appointed by the Washington State Conservation Commission. Conservation District Supervisors are public officials who serve without compensation and set policy and direction for the Conservation District. Elected Supervisors must be registered voters residing in the Conservation District. Appointed Supervisors must be registered voters in the State of Washington, and do not have to reside within the Conservation District boundary. Two of the three elected and one of the two appointed supervisors must own land or operate a farm in the district.
Current Board
Al Latham, Board Chair
Julie Boggs, Board Vice-Chair
George Sibley, Board Auditor
Laurie Hannan, Board Member
John Bellow, Board Member
Office Coordinator / Bookkeeper
District Manager
After a 31-year absence, Joe returned to Jefferson County Conservation District in 2021. Joe’s experience working for conservation districts began at King Conservation District in 1988. In 1989, he moved to the Olympic Peninsula where he split his time between the Jefferson and Clallam districts for one year before going to work full-time for Clallam. Raised on a small dairy farm in the Nooksack Valley of Whatcom County, Joe understands and values small scale agriculture. He also appreciates cultural diversity, having completed two tours as a Peace Corps volunteer, first in Nepal in the mid-1980s and then in Argentina and Guatemala in the mid-1990s. His education includes a BS in landscape architecture and a masters in adult education from Washington State University, and a master of landscape architecture degree from the University of Michigan. In his spare time, Joe enjoys gardening, sports and the great outdoors. Joe and his wife, Karen, have three children.
Conservation Planner/Resource Specialist
A Washington native and lifelong outdoor enthusiast, Sierra joined the Jefferson County Conservation District in 2021. She has worked as an interpretive ranger with the National Park Service, has led and worked on conservation crews for the Student Conservation Association, and spent a year teaching English in Paraguay. Prior to her role with the Conservation District, she was a coach and manager for Twisters Gymnastics. She has a BA in environmental studies and geography from Middlebury College. She and her husband have a small, diversified farm in Beaver Valley. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, unicycling, baking, and playing with her son.
Water Quality and Fish Habitat Specialist
Glenn is a Fishery Biologist who has specialized in water quality and salmon habitat for all of his career, including 10 years with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and over 30 years with the Jefferson County Conservation District. He earned a BS in Forestry from the University of Vermont and a MS in Zoology from the University of Maine. His experience includes running a water quality laboratory, fish contaminant reporting, acid rain research, and salmonid habitat improvement projects. Glenn likes seeing and reporting on the District’s projects that are improving water quality and salmonid habitat in the streams of Jefferson County. In his spare time, he likes cutting, splitting, and burning wood; helping his wife, Linda, with her garden; doing a little hiking and canoeing; and reading the Bible.
A Brief History
The East Jefferson County Soil Conservation District, as JCCD was originally called, has been assisting local land users since 1946. In the first year of operation, the district received 36 applications for farm plans covering 6000 acres of farmland and 5200 acres of woodland.
Monthly Meetings
UNLESS OTHERWISE PUBLISHED AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, the Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County Conservation District will hold their regular meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 p.m. Meetings are currently held in-person, typically at the Jefferson County Library in Port Hadlock, along with a remote access option. Please see the meeting Agendas below for information on location and remote access options. Any questions may be directed to the District Office at 360-385-4105 or info@jeffersoncd.org.